Visit Site Title SOL • WELLNESS •

welcome in, i'm stacey.

I’m a Performance and Mindset Coach who believes that the deeper you feel, the higher you rise.

I used to think that keeping the peace meant silencing my voice, my uniqueness, and my bigness.

I spent many years letting other people write my story and define my essence in their words. I’ve let patterns rule my actions and limiting beliefs reduce my self-worth. It was only when I reached deep into my darkness that I pulled out a map for my full potential.

I’ve faced my darkness so I can help you face yours.

Here’s the truth I want to share with you: when we let our patterns and old programming control us, we are living for others. When we face our patterns and break them, we start living for ourselves.

I'm here to help you do the same.


1:1 coaching

Unlock your mental performance through guided coaching and mindset practices that rewire your limiting beliefs. 


The SOL method

A carefully selected blend of modalities to nurture your mind, body, and spirit in a way you've never experienced before.


1:1 Body Work

Unlock your physical performance through energetic body work, performance stretch therapy, and private yoga sessions.

Think of me as your

Spiritual Apothecary

We work together to create a custom blend of support that works seamlessly together to strengthen your Body, Mind, and Soul.

book a call to learn more

I specialize in empowering high achievers, including NFL players, athletes, and women, to unlock their fullest potential.

My approach is rooted in the fusion of mindfulness practices such as meditation, intentional movement, and reflective journaling. Through personalized coaching sessions, I facilitate a space for clients to cultivate a deeper connection with themselves, enhance their self-awareness, and harness the power of their mindset.

I understand the unique challenges you face.

Whether you're striving for peak performance on the field, seeking greater clarity in your personal or professional pursuits, or simply craving a deeper sense of fulfillment, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Having worked extensively with elite performers across various domains, I know the challenges that come with trying to maintain balance within a demanding lifestyle. My mission is to give you the tools and techniques necessary to navigate life's complexities with grace and resilience.

Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the extraordinary potential that lies within you.

Morning routine

Meditation is a first before I even get out of bed! Followed by matcha, adaptogens, plant medicine, collagen, journaling, and movement. 

Favorite yoga style

Depends on my mood! For energy, a hot sculpt class. To restore, a yummy yin class.

Always travel with

My hand-held red light, booty band, and essential oils.

A few things I beleive

Going beyond mere practices and making a sustainable lifestyle change.

A few things I beleive

There is extraordinary potential that lies within all of us.